Tirana Dance Festival – Albania

Antonio Fini, together with Tirana Youth Ballet directed by Andrea Kokeri and the Albanian International Dance Accademy of Mimoza Bekteshi, is pleased to present  Tirana Dance Festival. The festival took place in the Albanian capital,Tirana, from November 2nd to the 4th 2017

the Festival started with intense dance lessons: modern dance, held by Antonio Fini, artistic director of the festival as well as international dancer for Michael Mao Dance, Martha Graham Dance Company, Staten Island Ballet and Kosovo Ballet, which is also guest choreographer; classical dance, Sylvia Tomova, an international dancer already head of the Sofia Opera House and now engaged as Artistic director for the Ballet Opera at Staga Zagara, Bulgaria.

Folk dances entrusted by Master Teacher Andrea Kokeri, director of the Tirana Youth Ballet and dancer of the company “Ansambli Shteteror i Kengeve dhe Valleve Popullore” Together with him Mimoza Bekteshi, she also danced of the same company, among other things on tour in China r with dancer Ilir Kerni, former director of the National Dance Opera of Tirana.

Hip hop dances will be instructed by Mirko Giordano dancer, choreographer for the emerging choreographer series of New York 2015 and artistic director of the adc Ballet School.

The Gala was held on November 3rd  at the “Orthodox Autocephalous Church of Albania Theater”. During the evening, the Tirana Dance Festival Career Award was handed to Sylvia Tomova for her incredible Career as Dancer, Choreographer and Director.

To celebrate this event companies and schools from all over Europe arrived in Tirana. These include: Fini Dance Theater from New York with choreography “Memorie di Tirana”, dancers by Antonio Fini and Mary Jo Panaciulli; Tirana Youth Ballet, with Albanian Dances; Villapiana Dance Company, directed by Angela Chidichimo, with an extract from the new production “Venti Balcanici”; MLC Dance Project, from Rome, with “Unconscious” directed by Maria Luisa Cavallo; Create Danza, by Elena Mandolito with choreographies by Filippo Stabile, who will dance “Terra”, Medi-terr-neo extract, performed by Elena Mandolito, Marianna Chiarelli, Carola Puglisi, Alex Rambo and Francesco Rodilosso. In addition the Italian schools Asd Il Balletto of Ludovica Valentini, Skenè Danza Vittoria Pirillo, AC Company  by Antonella Campidoglio, Dance School Flashart and Bulgara Djuly Dance Studio school directed by Djuly Romeova.